What is Special Educational needs (SEN)?
“Special Educational needs “is well known associated with students with difficulties, deficits or disabilities.
But in fact, students with special gifts or talents are also categorized with Special educational needs.
In Hong Kong, “special educational needs” is defined as students who cannot derive full benefits from their curriculum
provided in compared to same chronological age, or/and cannot catered for adequately in the ordinary educational
setting(Board of Education, 1996).
According to Hong Kong Education Bureau, the following characteristics can be considered as students with Special Educational needs:
• Visual impairments
• Hearing impairments
• Physical handicap
• Mental handicap
• Maladjustment
• Attention deficit and hyper active
• Autism
• Communication difficulties
• Learning difficulties
• Special Gifted or talented
Board of Education. (1996). Report of the sub-committe on special education. Hong Kong: Goverment Printer.